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Steel Skid Runners For HLA Snow Pushers



Replace your steel skid runners on your HLA Snow Pusher. We’ve got runners for the 1500, 1800, 2500, and 3500 series.

If you are clearing snow on a gravel drive or surface, we recommend our Extra-Wide Skid Runners, which will help the pusher edge stay on top of or just above the gravel surface, helping you clear your snow and leave your gravel where it belongs.

If you landed here and don’t know what a snow pusher it, HLA Snow Pushers are our most sold and most recommended snow removal attachment for tractors year after year. Better than a snow plow, way more efficient than your bucket, and incomparably cheaper than a blower, HLA makes the best snow pushers on the market, hands-down.

Skid Runners are sold as a pair.

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Purchase this item and get 299-449 Points worth $2.99-$4.49 to save on future orders!  You must register an account to track receive and track points.

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Snow Pusher Series

HLA 1500, HLA 1800, HLA 2500, HLA 3500


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